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Laura, Toucan Editrice

Friday, December 7, 2012

Poem of the Week: At the Seance, Joan Colby

Presume for a moment,
There’s an end-up place:
Heaven, Paradise, Kolob
the Celestial Planet,
Happy Hunting Ground
You know the drill,

Where all the dead congregate
And at the séance of the impossible
You can pick up the protoplasmic phone
And speak to your loved ones
What would you say. What apology
Would you offer, what question pose.

If the muse of history
Happened to be the medium
What could you rectify. If


  1. Nicely done, Joan. If you get there before me, let me know how that turns out.

    Cousin Bob

  2. Such an interesting thing - what WOULD one say to dead parents and family and friends?
