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Laura, Toucan Editrice

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Watchdog, Denny E. Marshall

    Pete and his best friend Michael are camping. The tent is set up by the river. Both of them and most of their friends loved the outdoors. They found this secluded spot a few years back. Whenever they had free time, they would camp out there for four or five days. They spend the time hiking and fishing or just enjoying the view, bringing lots of food and a few cases of beer with them.
    Pete always took his dog Spark with him when he went on camping trips. They had arrived early that morning. It is late and Pete grabs the sleeping bags out of the tent and sets them up by the campfire. Both he and Michael are tired; they unroll the sleeping bags and hit the sack.
    Spark starts barking “Woof, woof, woof, woof.” “Shut up you stupid dog.” Pete yells. Spark is silent for about twenty seconds and starts barking again “Woof, woof, woof, woof.” Spark continues this a couple more times, until Pete finally gets up and walks over to the dog. Pete yells at the top of his lungs telling Spark to shut up. The dog grows silent and Pete walks back over to his sleeping bag. While walking back to his sleeping bag he says under his breath “Stupid dog and enough with the woof, woof.”
    Less then a minute later a pack of wolves, four to be exact, attack Pete and Michael. Spark distracts the wolves long enough for all of them to make a run for the car. Both Pete and Michael have bit marks and are pretty well beat up though okay.
    Spark thinking to himself “I am not a stupid dog and did not say woof, woof. I said wolf, wolf, wolf, wolf; because there are four of them.”
    Just then, their girlfriends show up late and drive them to the hospital.

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