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Laura, Toucan Editrice

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Bacon Cheeseburger, Michelle Wang

The sound of clacking keys resonated throughout the room as the bright screen, beaming on his face, illuminated his surroundings.
“Tom, you’re not done yet?”
“No…” he mumbled back, knowing that his co-worker already left without bothering to hear a response. Exhaling a good amount of carbon dioxide, he slowly stretched out his arms and leaned back in his office chair, exposing his oversized stomach. He closed his eyes and pinched the thin layer of skin that separated his eye sockets. After a resting a good couple of minutes, he pushed himself up, and closed his laptop. Packing his papers, he made a mental note to himself to go work out, and then he left the building, checking out his time card.
He strolled down the stairs carefully holding onto the railings as he descended. Streams of light covered the seemingly dark night of New York as cars and taxis speed by. Gripping tightly onto his briefcase, flailing out his arms, he called out, “Taxi! Taxi!” The taxi stopped, shortly, a couple meters away emitting the bright red tail lights as it braked. Thomas toddled over, almost stumbling on a crack and dropping his briefcase. He finally found his way to the handle. Pulling it open, he then realized that he should’ve just walked. But then again a dying urge to eat kicked in so he climbed into the cab.
“Where to?” asked the taxi driver turning his head swiftly.
“Uh…the burger joint on second.” He let out a sigh. I am never going to get married and if I ever am getting married, it’ll be to my job, he thought. He glanced upward at the rear view mirror; reflected was a middle aged man, full of grey hair, just a little chubby in the middle, but with broad shoulders that supported his muscular arms. He flexed his biceps; I guess working out occasionally is pretty nice. Noticing that the cabby was watching him, he quickly made a motion of scratching his head. The driver took a right then another right and pulled over. The meter read $4.10. Thomas quickly pulled out a five and handed it to him.
“Keep the change.” He said as he opened the door and scooted himself out of the cab; just as he stepped out and shut the door behind him, the taxi sped away. Fifth time this week, Paul’s Burgers, Paul must be really happy, he thought while chuckling to himself. After debating with himself, while waiting in line, about whether or not to eat in or takeout, he finally decided eat while walking. Compromise.
Happily with his Eastsider Burger in hand and drink in the other, Thomas walked out passing the two enormous sized colored concrete burgers stacked by the door. After unwrapping the specialty bacon cheeseburger filled with ham, mushrooms, tomatoes, and onions with oil dripping over the edge he instinctively turned his head, slurped up the excess oil and took a bite out of his bacon burger. His body shook as he took another bite. Having trouble swallowing, he felt a slight pain in his chest. Lightly pounding his chest, he headed towards his apartment.
Occasionally taking a glance through the blurry windows, he slowly drained his 30 oz. of coke, but still keeping a third of the burger in hand. He then stopped and looked at an empty store. He saw his full body reflection on the glass. Taking a step closer he stumbled onto a crack. His briefcase full of papers flew into the air and slid across the hard grainy asphalt; his massive body fell after plummeting head first. His breath fell short while clenching onto his chest. Color drained from his face as he lay limp on the sidewalk a couple feet away from his apartment.

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